The Truth behind Loyalty

The Truth behind Loyalty is a knowledge-sharing series of podcasts, where Amanda Cromhout, founder and CEO of Truth shares her almost 25+ years of experience and learnings in the field of loyalty & CRM. This series is aimed at all professionals working in loyalty and marketing.

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Saturday Mar 28, 2020

Welcome to the first episode of our new podcast series: “The Truth behind Loyalty”. In the next 6 episodes, we deep dive into the findings of the 2019/20 Truth & BrandMapp Loyalty Landscape Whitepaper. From its inception in 2015, Truth & BrandMapp have proudly delivered insights over the last 5 years, analysing the changing consumer…

Saturday Mar 28, 2020

WHY DON’T SOUTH AFRICANS USE LOYALTY PROGRAMMES? For the past few years, we have seen the percentage of South African consumers who do not use loyalty programmes change from 33% in 2015 to 28% in 2019. We need to understand the reasons why those consumers do not use loyalty. It is a relatively small proportion…

Sunday Mar 29, 2020

Over the past 5 years, the Truth & BrandMapp Loyalty Landscape Whitepaper has provided readers with insights into the most used loyalty programmes in South Africa. Respondents who indicate they use loyalty programmes are asked to select the loyalty programmes they use the most, giving us a true reflection of loyalty programme usage per programme.

Sunday Mar 29, 2020

Every year, we seek to truly understand what South African consumers really want from loyalty programmes in terms of the benefits they have to offer. Whilst some results remain the same year on year, such as cashback consistently being the most sought after benefit, we are particularly interested in what other benefits appeal to South Africans.
In this episode, Amanda Cromhout talks about the benefits that Sout African consumers most enjoy.
To download the 2019/20 Truth & BrandMapp Loyalty Landscape Whitepaper simply click here.
Happy listening!

Sunday Mar 29, 2020

Global and local consumers take data usage legislation very seriously. South African consumers are becoming more and more savvy about how they wish their data to be used, if at all. We asked the question: “how do you feel about loyalty companies using your personal and transactional data?”
In this episode, Amanda Cromhout talks about data usage and what consumers think of companies using the data gained through the loyalty programme that they belong to.
To download the 2019/20 Truth & BrandMapp Loyalty Landscape Whitepaper simply click here.
Happy listening!

Sunday Mar 29, 2020

Strategically, brands cannot jump into the world of loyalty lightly. It is a long term commitment to their consumers and not a short term marketing campaign. The number 1 question we are asked by brands wishing to either create a new loyalty programme or improve upon an existing loyalty offering, is “will the loyalty programme change our customers’ behaviour?”
Commercially, when Truth helps our clients to create business cases regarding loyalty programmes, the magic number for changed behaviour is typically between 2-6% incremental revenue change. Obviously, this varies massively by industry and maturity of programme, market place, etc. As a broad-brush estimate, we use 4% incremental revenue performance but how is this achieved?
In this episode, Amanda Cromhout talks  about customer behaviour and how loyalty programmes definitively influence this.
To download the 2019/20 Truth & BrandMapp Loyalty Landscape Whitepaper simply click here.
Happy listening!

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020

Loyalty during COVID-19 and beyond: Johan Moolman, CEO of eBucks describes how eBucks has seen its members use their eBucks on more of life’s basic necessities like food, airtime and electricity. eBucks has also set up the capability for its members to contribute their eBucks currency to the Solidarity Fund during COVID-19.

Thursday Apr 30, 2020

Loyalty during COVID-19 and beyond: Cecile Henry brings an international touch to this podcast series by explaining what actions they have put in place for loyalty members – the largest loyalty programme in Mauritius and the only multi-partner programme in the country.

Thursday May 14, 2020

Loyalty during COVID-19 and beyond: Roxanne Holmes shares a different perspective to serving the mr price’s most loyal credit customers.  In the absence of a traditional loyalty programme, mrpmoney manages their portfolio of customers through focused CRM and the introduction of innovative payment channels to service their customers during lockdown. Focused integration into their well-established ecommerce stores is also key for mrpmoney.

Thursday May 14, 2020

Loyalty during COVID-19 and beyond: Jane Fisher shares the work which TFG have done to help their 16 million TFG Rewards customers during lockdown.  TFG has implemented new channels for payments for the 3 million credit customers who are also members of TFG Rewards.  Enjoy Jane’s openness on how TFG has partnered with a grocery retailer to offer more to their customers and how they adapted business as usual to help their members. 

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